Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blind Stuck The Blinds In My Office Are Stuck UP And I Can't Let Them Down. Please Help?

The blinds in my office are stuck UP and I can't let them down. Please help? - blind stuck

The blinds in my office and the room is very old, I think () as the owner and if I were to, it's really hard to achieve. Well, today opened halfway because of bad weather, and now only the tried and they have blocked all the way to the summit.
I pull to the left and the cables do not seem to be twisted. What can I do? I can not draw, even for the blind, because they have screwed up there pretty tight.
What are my first owner told me that if I raise this issue, turn left and then to her, but it does not work this time and are now trapped in the quality and I am really frustrated.
Can anyone help?

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