Thursday, February 18, 2010

Before And After Alcoholics Pics So If Guys Think Im Hot Why Dont They Ask Me Out? (with Pics This Time)?

So if guys think im hot why dont they ask me out? (with pics this time)? - before and after alcoholics pics ...
^ I know I'm stupid ... lol was at the zoo and ... lol just ah ...
^ Yeah .. I do not know ... its plain .. after a movie or something. ...
^ And that may seem scary, but I like editing ...
^ Ughh .. easy. after basketball. but I think they have to endure the different varieties for you to know really what they seem.

ok I asked before too, but everyone wants pictures! lol ok for all those kids always say, I'm hot, but not from me, ask me. And I do not understand why. Normally I'm very happy and bubbly and funny sometimes .. .. lol maybe a little stupid, but funny, the only reasons, orwouldnt that people like me can remember is 1 cuz. I'm really ADD and you never know what's new ... the kind of stupid and 2 I'm depressed lately, and shows sometimes, because my mother started to drink and I havent seen my father for 5 weeks. If you do not like my mother is an alcoholic and I have a father and his brother briefly ...

OK, tell me why! cuz i was the reason they gave? or just that I'm really ugly to me cuz I'm hot for me please? lol


bluesnak... said...

You're sweet. Most men are the rejection of all forms of fear, especially the younger ones. Do not worry. Ask one of them if you are really interested in one of them.

Spencer said...

Do not say you ugly! They are really very nice. Some guys are just intimidated. They should not be intimidated! I know I am. In any case, you can finally relax and be brave and ask.

Olive K said...

UR is very good, but his way with an original look that is not, that's my opinion .... The boys are rare .. u can trust ... Arent sees everything ... Perhaps they do not know if they want u lot, just because someone thinks ur hott how u do not mean that it means only that, like ur

beast660... said...

You know what I like most of the pictures, the U one of the lucky girls who can look hot without trying to look slutty

U hot, but in a human:))

Kaykay <3 said...

Hmm, well you're not sure ugly, but some try to make-up and maybe some sexy clothes.

and the dark hair would probably be too hot.


I havent seen my mother is 2 years! This is not right, but not everything you sorry! they make the move attracted

Jon B said...

That's nice, do not worry that their children are young and stupid and confused at that age you have your whole life to this day, I called the guys sorry for the last time dummy

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