Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pet Allergy Medicine What Is The Best Pet Allergy Medicine?

What is the best pet allergy medicine? - pet allergy medicine

I've always had cats, and only in recent years is a problem. I Seldane, the outbreak of animal dander and hey fever prevented. Seldane was recalled and now I've lost my pet and I want to live without animal allergies. Comments?

1 comment:

Nicole T said...

Well, it's a product that many of my patients say that they work wonders if you have pets, and here it is ... ...

Another product that works well, is Zyrtec. If you opt for an OTC product Tavist works well. Then Alavert. A product such as Benadryl dries, which sometimes causes more mucus.

Claritin is not sufficient to relieve symptoms. You need a dual layer to help. If all else fails, ask the good old MD. So you can get samples, before paying for a product that can not work for you!

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