Sunday, January 10, 2010

Casino Theme Costumes What Are Some Ideas For A James Bond Theme Party?

What are some ideas for a James Bond theme party? - casino theme costumes

We are planning a surprise party for our friend is 18, wanted a few ideas, equipment and costumes.
can be a subject of "Casino Royale"?
not much time or much of a budget soon after the ideas of DIY?


Billy bob jr. said...

Cheap but effective Nigh all James Bond films. The person who can not sleep at all in the first person I can sleep.

Kelly V said...

Fancy Drinks
James Bond Marathon
-Make your own questions and even movies
Tie-birthday girl girl on a chair, a bright light on the face and the actual game or dare
Sean Connery impressions
"What is your James Bond girl / villain Name Game

Street Pharmacist said...

cuz the parties a good idea, not just gay issues

and you are wasting money

that give a maximum of five or a pat on the back for your birthday

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