Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christian Sympathy Card Would You Tell Me What You Think Of This Sympathy Poem I Wrote ?

Would you tell me what you think of this sympathy poem I wrote ? - christian sympathy card

My best friends mother died and I took a walk with her today and she is Christian and the gods of peace, but the pain is intense and was suddenly and unexpectedly. She loves to write poetry, if you think it is normal to get a sympathy card. I wrote it for her ... (her name is also Mary's mother)

Oh Lord, if I
I explain, please, and
Hear the words that I speak
You see me on my knees
Give my mother back to me!
And God said, "No."
Time to go
But there is something
You need to know
Mary asked the same thing
for me
As I hung between two thieves
When my father
Said leave to
It must
At some point, God said "No"
If he has another plan
What you can not understand
I do not know or see
All he asks that you believe
She is here with me
Yes, I think
She is here with me.

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