Thursday, December 17, 2009

Babes Deluxe Blow Up Babe Deluxe (Rock & Roll Lyric)?

Blow Up Babe Deluxe (Rock & Roll lyric)? - babes deluxe

Willys cynical thought for the day

Many believe that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Yes, this is * real * kiss me?


For Willy SENKIWSKY 5/4/04 10:30 AM, Rock & Roll Song

Blues is my solitude
So I called Schedule "R" Us on the phone!
Chicks on the other end said he has a lot to me
And if I can buy it no immediate delivery!

I went and bought a luxury baby shock
Like a vacuum cleaner that thing sux!
No need to buy a diamond ring
Only two double-A batteries, which will do nothing!

I gave him my visa number and said I will have the opportunity to
And I have not even underwear hot pants'!
I waited in my room for the UPS truck
To deliver my Deluxe Blow Up Babe!

(Repeat Chorus)

My daughter has not heard what I said
If I'm here, we're in the game!
Now we just need a little more money
To purchase a luxury Blonde Babe Blow Up !!!...

(Chorus Repeat this forfade)

Copyright 2004 Willy Senkiwsky - All rights received - Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited

"The Blues are the roots, and the music is one of the fruits." One of the most popular sets of Willie Dixon I Am the Blues by Willie Dixon, Don Snowden (DaCapo, 1989)

"Life is like music, should it by ear, feeling and instinct, together not the rule. However, we must know the rules better, because sometimes guide in doubtful cases, but not often." - Samuel Butler (1612-80), English poet, author

"The music is simple, which is the hardest to play music and blues music too easy." - Albert Collins ~ willyblu ...

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